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Datasets Used

Ecopath is a tool that will allow members of the public to find a route through the city that is cooler than the direct path.


To achieve this we link together specific data-sets from NSW Government & BOM that provide Urban Heat Green Cover (UHGC), NSW Points of Interest, Traffic Volume & BOM 3 Hour Weather Forecast.


Urban Heat Map & Green Cover:

This data allows us to gather zone temperatures from IOT devices.

We are able to utilize data points into machine learning algorithms in conjunction with traffic volume data to determine the best route from A to B no matter your preferred transport method!

IoT devices, are put into groups which then have a unique identifier which is then a "zone" those zones are then visualized as data blocks and points, which on a map then is represented by colours based on the level of temperature above the average of that area.

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DATASETS: Our Projects


Traffic Data:

This data allows us to predict potential delays on the users' route and the ability to reroute them along other more efficient paths in order to minimise time spent in warmer parts of the city.

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DATASETS: Our Projects
DATASETS: Our Projects


BOM Suburban data:

This data allows us to incorporate real-time updates of current temperatures within the city in order to ensure that there are no unusual weather patterns that could affect the heat-maps.

App workflow

Using data from Urban Heat Green Cover, BOM and the NSW Traffic Volume, Eco path will then amalgamate and score the traffic conditions and temperature to provide a Base Heatmap for pathing.


When the user requests a route this base heat map would be used to generate the path for the user to take as well as overlay any points of interest on the route. 


This then gets sent back to the user and displayed to them, where they can then start their journey towards a greener future.

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